English Pedagogy Question Bank
English Teaching Methodology Questions
English Method B.Ed. Questions
- Discuss the characteristics of a good question paper.
- Select a topic of your choice and give lesson planning keeping in view the following points :(i) Objectives (ii) Presentation (iii) Evaluation (iv) B. B. Work
- Discuss the following group method techniques in CLT.(a) Simulation (b) Language games (c) pair work and group work
- What is Direct method? Write its advantages and disadvantages.
- What are the features of an ideal question paper? Discuss with examples.
- Select a unit of your choice and plan the following points to teach :
- (1) Presentation(2) Activities(3) Evaluation(4) B. B. Work
- Evaluating textbook is a meticulous process-Discuss.
- Discuss the communicative language teaching.What is composition ? Discuss teaching procedure of essay writing with illustration.
- State in detail the differences between traditional approaches and communicative approach.
- What is Eclectic Approach? State its merits and limitations.
- Discuss the history of ELT before and after independence.
- Discuss Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives
- What is grammar translation method? Discuss its features and advantages.
- What is Audio-lingual method? Discuss its merits and demerits.
- Discuss CLT in detail
- Analyse any one textbook based on different criterion.
- What is authentic material? Discuss its importance with some examples.
- What should be done while preparing a TLM?
- Write about the use of ICT tools for assessment.
- Discuss various types of questions with examples.
- How will you assess listening and speaking?
- Write about the use of ICT tools for assessment.
- Discuss various types of questions with examples.
- How will you assess vocabulary of the students?
- Analyse any one textbook based on different criterion.
- What are online resources? Discuss its importance with some examples.
- What ICT tools will you use in preparing a TLM?
- What is direct method? Discuss its features and advantages.
- What is bilingual method? Discuss its merits and demerits.
- Discuss CLL in detail.
- Discuss the history of ELT before and after independence.
- What are the aims and objectives of ELT at secondary level?
- Discuss Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives of cognitive domain.Discuss the differences between traditional and communicative approach.
- What are the aims and objectives of ELT at Primary level.
- What is meant by oral work? Describe the techniques to develop it?
- What are the principles and limitations of grammar translation method?
- What is the state policy of English teaching?
- Discuss importance of English as international language.
- Discuss characteristics of ideal question paper.
- Discuss the Grammar translation method with its advantages and disadvantages.
- What is importance of English teaching in current scenario?
- Direct method: meaning, advantages and disadvantages.
- What are the differences between traditional approaches and Communicative approach?
- The concept and uses: Dictionary and Thesaurus
- Use and importance of the following instructional material: Match stick drawing and pictures.
- What is the importance of remedial work? Give a specimen of remedial teaching plan or programme.
- Discuss various methods of teaching reading in detail.
- Write the application of electronic media in ELT.
- Clarify the concept of essay and write about things to be kept in mind while writing a good essay.
- Define action research with its procedure.
- What is a blue print? Prepare a blue print in English.
- Write the difference between stray and unit lesson planning.
- What are the causes of spelling errors of students and how will you improve the spelling mistakes?
- Differentiate between stray lesson and unit lesson planning in ELT.
- Discuss the characteristics of an ideal question paper in English.
- What is action research? Discuss the procedure of conducting action research.
- What is the importance of textbook? Enlist the internal and external aspects of textbook evaluation.
- English learning is necessary in current times' Why? Give your arguments.
- Write about the concept, advantages and disadvantages of Grammar translation method.
- How traditional approaches differ from communicative approach?
- Write a note on group method techniques:(1) Language games (2) Group work/pair work
- What is micro teaching? Write its advantages and limitations.
- What are the causes of pronunciation errors of students and how will you improve the pronunciation mistakes?
- Differentiate between stray lesson and unit lesson planning in ELT.
- Discuss the characteristics of an ideal question paper in English.
- What is action research? Discuss its steps in detail.
- Review current textbook of English of your choice from any standard of GSEB.
- Differentiate stray lesson and unit lesson planning.
- Why do students commit mistakes in pronunciation? What measures will you take to improve their mispronunciation?
- Define action research? Explain the steps of action research in detail.
- What is an ideal question paper? Discuss in reference to blue print.
- Write short notes: (i) External Review aspects of a textbook(ii) Dictionary: uses in ELT
- Differentiate stray and unit lesson planning in ELT.
- What is blue print? Discuss the characteristics of ideal question paper.
- Review current 9th standard textbook of GSEB.
- Clarify the concept of action research with its steps in detail.
- Write a note on: (i) Report writing in ELT (ii) Dictionary
- Write in detail about the difference between stray lesson and unit lesson planning.
- Why do students commit mistakes in spellings? What measures will you take to improve spelling mistakes?
- What is action research? What are the stages of action research?
- What are the charactersitcs of an ideal question paper? Discuss.
- Write advantages and disadvantages of objective types of questions in detail.
- Enlist the type of letters and explain the format of letter writing.
- State the differences between stray lesson and unit lesson planning.
- What is blue print? How should an ideal question paper be?
- Clarify the concept of action research. Discuss its importance and steps of conducting action research.
- Discuss various types of questions with their advantages and disadvantages
- Elaborate the concept of TESOL and EAP.
- What is the difference between aims and objectives?
- Prepare sample instructional objectives for any unit of ELT.
- Write a note on ‘Literary club’
- Write techniques of teaching Speaking.
- How will you teach reading skill to students?
- Write about authentic materials in ELT.
- Evaluate any one online material.
- Give detail about classification of TLM.
- What is diagnostic test? Write its objectives.
- What is the current paper style of English language papers at secondary level?
- How can we assess writing skill of the students?
- Elaborate the concept of ESL and EFL.
- What are the objectives of teaching English at higher secondary level?
- What is ESP? Give examples.
- Write a note on ‘English club’
- Write techniques of teaching vocabulary.
- How will you teach writing skill to students?
- Write about three online resources for ELT.
- Evaluate any one offline material.
- Give detail about how to evaluate online material.
- What is diagnostic test? Write its objectives.
- What is the current paper style of English language papers at primary level? Prepare a test of English language grammar topic
- What are the principles of C.L.T. ?
- What is the importance of language games?
- What is the usefulness of dictionary ?
- How will you improve the spelling?
- Write the uses of flash-cards.
- What is the importance of lesson planning?
- What are the causes of spelling errors? What remedial work will you do?
- Discuss the characteristics of a good question paper.
- Prepare a blueprint for a unit of English.
- Write any six advantages of essay type of questions.
- Evaluate current English textbook of your choice keeping in mind the external aspects.
- How will you improve pronunciation errors among the students?
- Why do students commit spelling mistakes? Write the causes.
- Write any three differences between oral and written evaluation.
- Write any six uses of computer in English language Teaching.
- Give six points indicating difference between oral and written composition.
- What will you keep in mind while writing a good essay?
- Write advantages and disadvantages of objective type of questions.
- Write any six skills of a teacher of English.
- Prepare a micro lesson plan for Questioning skill in English.
- What is match stick drawing? How will you use in ELT?
- Give any six activities to develop speaking skill among students.
- Write any six features of structural approach.
- What is the importance of lesson planning for a teacher?
- 'Spelling errors are common in English writing'. What to do?
- Explain the format of letter writing with an example.
- Write the meaning of essay type of questions and write its advantages and disadvantages.
- How will you use computer in ELT?
- What care will you take while planning a stray lesson in English?
- How will you improve students' bad handwriting in English?
- Discuss characteristics of a good essay.
- Explain the meaning and advantages of written evaluation in English.
- Explain briefly the concept of controlled and free composition.
- State six points showing importance of lesson planning.
- State causes of defective pronunciation among the students.
- Write down some points to be kept in mind while writing a good story.
- Differentiate between oral and written composition.
- What is syntax? How will you improve syax errors?
- Explain the concept of summative and formative evaluation.
- How will you improve pronunciation defects among students?
- What are the sub skills of writing skill?
- Explain group work/pair work with one example.
- What is eclectic approach in ELT?
- Explain any one of the major aims of ELT.
- Why do students commit spelling mistakes?
- Give full form of LSRW with their concepts.
- 1. What is ESP?
- What was the aim of Macauley’s education system?
- What is LSRW?
- Write two activities to teach vocabulary.
- Define TBLT.
- What is Eclectic method?
- Give examples of two ICT tools.
- Write the steps of TLM preparation.
- Give two example of proficiency tests.
- What is an achievement test?
- What is direct method?
- What is the concept of communicative approach?
- What is meant by reading?
- Write the meaning of pronunciation.
- What is EAP?
- . Write two differences between aims and objectives.
- . Write steps of stray lesson planning.
- Define TBLT.
- What is ICT?
- Give examples of two ICT tools.
- What is LSRW?
- What is proficiency test?
- Write full form: CLL, TESOL
- Give one example of activity in ELT.
- What is composition?
- What is composition?
What are the principles of direct method?
- What is role play?
- Write the concept of evaluation.
- What is unit lesson planning ?
- State two uses of matchstick drawing.
- Mention two uses of dictionary.
- What is match - stick drawing?
- Name the four group method techniques for CLT
- .Define the term evaluation.
- What is match stick drawing?
- Give two disadvantages of eclectic approach.
- Mention two measures for improving pronunciation.
- Define structural approach.
- Write two demerits of Direct method.
- What are the main competencies included in communicative competence?
- What is simulation?
- Give two activities for developing speaking skill.
- Write just the names the any four methods of teaching reading skill.
- What is syntax?
- Write two limitations of essay type of questions.
- Define the word 'composition'.
- Write any one principle of Direct method.
- Write any four websites useful in ELT.
- Write four activities of developing speaking skill.
- What is LSRW?
- Define functional approach to ELT.
- What is the skill of motivation?
- Write any four features of direct method.
- What is simulation?
- What are flash cards?
- What is the skill of fluency of questions?
- What is the communicative language teaching?
- How English important as library language?
- What is role play?
- Give full form of LSRW.
- Write two uses of computer in ELT.
- What are the Herbartian five steps of lesson planning?
- What is syntax?
- Define the term 'evaluation'.
- What is lesson planning?
- What is lesson planning?
- Write four uses of a dictionary.
- What is guided composition?
- What is blue-print?
- What is syntax?
- Give two differences between oral and written composition.
- Define the term 'evaluation'.
- Write any two advantages of objective type questions.
- Define the term 'composition'
- What are the five steps of stray lesson planning?
- What is listening and speaking skill?
- Write four things to keep in mind while doing B. B. Work.
- What is direct method?
- Write two uses of flash cards in ELT. What are five steps of lesson planning?
- Write any four uses of thesaurus.
- Define the term 'evaluation'
- What is a free composition?
- Write two examples of objective type of questions.
- What is a dictionary? Write two uses of dictionary.
- Write four characteristics of ideal report writing.
- Write steps of stray lesson planning.
- What are the active skills?
- What are the receptive skills?
- What is planning in ELT?
- What is stray lesson?
- Write two points of importance of English as library language.
- What is graphic motor skills?
- What is a flash card?
- Write steps of composition lesson planning.
- Write two example of specific objective of expression.
- Write two techniques of vocabulary teaching.
- What is a teaching aid?
(1) Basic
unit of teaching is a word in …
(A) Grammar-translation
method (B) Bilingual method
(C) Direct
method (D) Inductive-deductive method
(2) Which
of the following pairs is incorrect?
(A) active
(B) passive
(C) graphic
motor skill-reading
(D) productive
(3) The
logical starting place of any language teaching is………….
(A) oral work (B) listening
(C) simulation (D) grammar
(4) Which of
the following is not a characteristic of structural approach?
(A) mastery of
structure is important (B) selection and gradation of structures
(C) major activity
is drilling (D) language is presented in inorganic way
(5) Dr. B. S. Bloom's classification of objectives depends on the three domains…..
(A) cognitive,
empirical, affective (B) cognitive, psychomotor,
(C) knowledge,
comprehension, application (D)cognitive, psychomotor, affective
(6) Following
is not one of the aspect of reviewing a textbook?
(A) illustration (B) order and proportion
(C) printing
and paper (D) authority
(7) The
following is not the type of objective type of test.
(A) true-false
tests (B) multiple choice tests
(C) matching
tests (D) diagnostic tests
(8) Main
constituents of communicative approach do not include……..
(A) grammatical
competence (B) discourse competence
(C) socio-linguistic
competence (D) verbal competence
(9) Which of
the following is not the characteristic of good hand writing?
(A) legibility (B)
(C) simplicity
Which of the following sentence is
(A) Mother
tongue dominates in natural method.
(B) Direct
method is a psychological method.
(C) Eclectic
approach is a flexible approach.
(D) Grammar is
the soul of Prussian method.
(11) …………is not
an objective type of test.
(A) recall
tests (B) fill in the blanks
(C) Matching
type tests (D) Letter writing
(12) Which of
the following sentences is wrong?
(A) decoding
sound is a listening skill (B) decoding
written text is reading
(C) encoding
message in graphic form is reading
(D) forming
meaningful chunks in sound is speaking
(13) Direct
method is originated in………..
(A) Germany (B) France (C) Greece (D) USA
(14) How many dimensions
are there of a blue print?
(A) two (B) four
(C) five
(D) three
(15) Fluency is
stressed than accuracy in…………
(A) structural approach (B) communicative approach
(C) direct
method (D) simulation
(16) What is
(A) a coordination of useful words in proper
(B) a
coordination of frequently used words in proper order
(C) a coordination
of meaningful words in inappropriate
(D) a
coordination of meaningful words in proper order
(17) Who gave
the concept of communicative competence?
(A) Skinner (B) Dell
Hymes (C) Chomsky (D) Tnasey
(18) Which of
the following sentences is true?
(A) Students
are able to have ideas, vocabulary, structures in uncontrolled composition.
Students have no bondage of ideas,
vocabulary, structure in controlled composition.
(C) Written composition is an art of self-expression.
(D) Formative evaluation is goal oriented evaluation.
(19) Which of
the following sentences do no show the importance of picture in ELT?
(A) a picture
is a text without words. (B) a picture is worth ten thousand words.
(C) a picture
is worth no attention. (D) a
picture is worth hundred sentences.
(20) How many
sounds are there in English?
(1) Which
are the active commands?
(A) reading and writing (B) speaking and writing
(C) writing and listening (D) speaking
and listening
(2) A
blue print has ………..dimensions.
(A) four (B) three (C) two (D) depends on teacher
(3) Which
method is also known as classical method?
(A) Direct method (B) Grammar translation method
(C) Communicative approach (D) Dr.
West's New method
(4) Which
is psychological method of teaching a language?
(A) Direct method (B) indirect
(C) Grammar translation method (D) Structural approach
(5) The
three domains by Benjamin Bloom are
(A) Cognitive, Effective, Psychomental
(B) Knowledge, Comprehension, Expression
(C) Knowledge, Comprehension, Application
Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor
(6) Following
is not one of the aspect of reviewing a textbook?
illustration (B) order
and proportion
printing and paper (D) Writer
(7) The
following is not the type of objective type of test.
true-false tests (B) multiple choice
(C) matching tests (D) diagnostic tests
(8) …………is
an objective type of test.
Essay (B)
fill in the blanks
(C) report (D) Letter writing
(9) Direct
method is originated in………..
Germany (B) France (C) Greece (D)
(10) What
is syntax?
(A) a
coordination of useless words in proper order
(B) a coordination of unused words in proper
a coordination of meaningful words in inappropriate order
(D) a coordination of meaningful words in proper order
(11) Who gave the concept of communicative
Skinner (B) Dell Hymes (C)
Chomsky (D) Tnasey
(12) How
many sounds are there in English?
(B) 44 (C) 36
(D) 48
(13) ………………considers grammar as the soul
of language.
Grammar-translation method (B) Bilingual
(C) Direct method (D) Inductive-deductive
(14) Which is a characteristics of a good test?
lengthy (B) monotonous (C) reliability
(D) too difficult
(15) Which skill is related to mouth?
speaking (B) none
(C) listening (D)writing
(16) How many skills are there of English
1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
(17) Composition
is the expression of child's…
(A) feelings
(B) ideas
(C) thoughts
all above
(18) What is the first step of lesson
(A) Evaluation
(B) motivation
(C) black
board work (D)questioning
(19) Which of the following are group
method techniques?
(A) Language
games (B) role
(C) simulation (D) all of the above
(20) Quality of good hand writing depends
(A) good
quality of paper (B) good
quality of ink
(C) holding
the pen properly (D) all
of the above
(1) What
is the main part of a lesson plan?
(A) Introduction (B) Evaluation
(C) Presentation
(D) Statement of aim
(2) Which
of the following is not a characteristics of a stray lesson plan?
(A) It
is a one period planning.
(B) The
objectives are formulated for a single topic.
(C) It
includes enough materials and activities.
(D) The
teacher gets limited experience about the evaluation procedure.
(3) In
which lesson plan teacher prepares a single lesson plan for the entire unit?
(A) stray
lesson plan (B) unit lesson plan
(C) micro
lesson plan (D) Simulation
(4) Following
is not an advantage of a lesson plan.
(A) It
saves time and energy. (B) It
makes teaching process effective.
(C) It
increases teachers’ confidence. (D) It increases the load o work for teacher.
(5) After
teaching a unit or lesson there should be…………….
(A) black
board work (B) evaluation (C) discussion (D) relaxation
(6) ……………………is
a guide for the teacher and memory aid for the pupils.
(A) blackboard (B) textbook (C) TV (D) Dictionary
(7) What
is a thesaurus?
(A) a book that
contains a list of the words in a language in the order of the alphabet and
that tells you what they mean, in the same or another language
(B) a book that
teaches a particular subject and that is used especially in schools
(C) a newspaper
or a magazine, especially one in which all the articles are about a particular
subject or profession
(D) a book that
contains lists of words and phrases with similar meanings
(8) ………………………..is
the co-ordination of meaningful words in proper order.
(A) Syntax (B) structure (C) pattern (D) poem
(9) …………………means
arrangement of letters in proper order.
(A) Syntax (B) structure (C) spelling (D)
(10) ‘Students
should be encouraged to use pocket dictionary.’ This will help improve…………….
(A) Syntax (B) grammar (C) spelling (D)
(11) The aim of
teaching …………………is to enable students to express their ideas and emotions in
written form using their own language.
(A) poem (B) prose (C) sentences (D) composition
(12) In which type
of compositions pupils are given topic with essential structures and vocabulary
(A) Controlled (B) free (C) open (D) none
(13) ………………… is a
number of sentences grouped together and relating to one topic; or, a group of
related sentences that develop a single point.
(A) Story (B) Essay (C) paragraph (D) letter
(14) These
types of letter are written to relatives or friends.
(A) Informal
letters (B) formal letters (C) official letters (D) business letters
(15) What
are the correct order of steps for action research?
(A) Selection of
the problem-Formulation of hypotheses-Design of research-Collection of
data-analysis of data-Conclusions
(B) Formulation
of hypotheses-Selection of the problem -Design of research-Collection of
data-analysis of data-Conclusions
(C) Design of
research -Selection of the problem-Formulation of hypotheses -Collection of
data-analysis of data-Conclusions
(D) Selection of
the problem-Formulation of hypotheses-Design of research- analysis of data
-Collection of data-Conclusions
(16) ……………..
evaluation which means the students will answer verbally
(A) written (B) oral (C) aimed (D)
(17) fill in the
gaps, match 'a' with 'b', true or false, multiple choice questions (Examples of
which type of questions)
(A) Objective (B) Subjective (C) Short-answer type (D)
(18) Mood
of the examiner affects the scoring of answer scripts in………..type of questions.
(A) Objective (B) Subjective (C) Short-answer type (D)
(19) …………………provides
conceptual map of examination format and the content area.
(A) Question
paper (B) textbook (C) blueprint (D)
(20) Following
is not one of the characteristics of ideal question paper.
(A) There
should not be too much weightage to a particular topic or part of the syllabus.
(B) Questions
should not be ambiguous or asked to confuse students. Questions should be clear
and comprehensive.
(C) Instructions
and directions should be in simple language and straightforward.
(D) Question paper should very easy.
(1.1) How many consonants are there in English?
(A) 26 (B) 24
(C) 5 (D) 20
(1.2) What is essential to acquire a good pronunciation
in English language?
(A) A lot of conscious efforts (B) A lot of systematic efforts
(C) A lot of regular practice (D) All the above
(1.3) What
is useful to locate the errors among the students?
(A) Diagnosis work (B)
Remedial work
(C) Dictionary (D) Textbook
(1.4) What means the arrangement of letters in
proper order?
(A) Phrases (B) Syntax
(C) Spelling (D) Grammar
(1.5) No knowledge of which grammar is the basic
problem for syntax errors?
(A) Functional (B) Theoretical
(C) Detailed (D) Real
(1.6) Following is not the objective of
remedial work.
(A) To remove the bad habits of the pupils in their teaching
(B) To insulate new habits of learning in pupils
(C) To create more interest in learning
(D) To punish the pupils for their errors
(1.7) Which type of reading develops the skill
of speech?
(A) Silent reading (B) Loud reading
(C) Library reading (D) supplementary reading
(1.8) Which is minute and detailed study of prescribed
(A) Silent reading (B) Extensive reading
(C) Intensive reading (D) supplementary reading
(1.9) Which method is also called 'Look and
Say' or 'See and Say Method'?
(A) The Phonic method (B) The
syllabic method
(C) The sentence method (D) The word method
(1.10) What is used to measure all round progress
of the pupils in view of the objectives of curriculum?
(A) Test (B) Evaluation
(C) Examination (D) Scaling
(1.11) How many type of questions are there?
(A) 4 (B) 3
(C) 2 (D) 6
(1.12) Which of the following is not a dimension
of a blue print?
(A) Weightage according to objectives
(B) Weightage according to content
(C) Weightage according to time of answering
(D) Weightage according to type of questions
(3.1) Good hand writing: legibility: :
Pronunciation: ………………….
(A) Shape (B) Beauty (C) simplicity (D) intonation
(3.2) Extensive reading: it helps in assimilate
ideas: :Intensive reading: ……………………..
(A) It foster taste for English (B) Content
is not studied in detail
(C) The help of teacher is minimum (D) We read quickly.
(3.3) Lord
(A) ''It presents word by word meaning''
(B) ''
(C) ''We all read faster than we speak.''
(D) ''There is very little real reading done in English.''
(3.4) Progress tests: Given to motivate the
students: : Proficiency tests: ………..
(A) Concerned with measuring student's control over language in
the light of what he is expected to do in future
(B) Is designed to measure probable performance of the student
in future
(C) To measure individual performance
(D) To find the errors in learning
Fill in the blanks with appropriate
answers. (10)
1.1 ………………..is
the third step in the lesson planning according to Herbart.
1.2 Grammar is taught through
deductive method in……………..method.
1.3 …………………..method is
thought to be originated in France in 1901.
1.4 In
Communicative approach………………….competence is the desired goal.
1.5 …………….
helps the students to know the real life situations and human behaviour.
1.6 The
passive skills of language learning are………………..and …………………….
1.7 The
logical starting place of any language teaching is…………………..
1.8 Fair
and legible…………….makes a man perfect in all walks of life.
1.9 …………………….is
a type of composition where students are able to have guidance of ideas,
vocabulary, structures etc.
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વઅંગ્રેજી પદ્ધતિશાસ્ત્ર (Pedagogy) Book/Reading Material- Pedagogy of English- English Method- Teaching of English
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