Grammar Translation Method : Concept, Characteristics, History, Merits, Demerits, Activities |
IITE B.ED. SEM-2 Pedagogy of English-L2 2.1 By. Dr. Alpeshkumar Nakrani Assistant Professor Smt. J. J. Kundalia Graduate Teachers’ College
Concept of Grammar Translation Method
- Grammar Translation Method is the method of teaching of foreign language through learners’ mother tongue. They are taught to translate from native language to the target language. Learners learn grammar deductively and memorize native language equivalently for the target of language vocabulary.
- The Grammar-Translation Method is a method of foreign or second language teaching which uses translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities.
- "a method of foreign or second language teaching which makes use of translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities." ---Richards, J. C., & Schmidt, R. (2002).
- Random House Unabridged Dictionary Richard and Rogers, 2002 (as cited in Barb, 2010), GTM means a traditional technique of foreign-language teaching based on explicit instruction in the grammatical analysis of the target language and translation of sentences from the native language into the target language and vice versa.
- Champion writes “under the Grammar-Translation Method the meaning of English words, phrases, and sentences is taught by means of word for word translation into mother tongue.”
Principle of Grammar Translation Method
- Translation into mother tongue is the best way to understand the linguistic patterns of English language
- The structure of a foreign language is best learnt when compared and contrasted with learners’ mother tongue.
- Learning grammar rules help in understanding the written work of the target(foreign) language.
- Linguistic patterns are grammatical rules that allow their users to speak properly in a common. language.
History of Grammar Translation Method
- It is the oldest method of teaching
- Dates back to Erasmus 1466-1536
- Originally used to teach and translate classical languages Latin and Greek in the late 19th and early 20th centuries so its also called classical method or traditional method
- Earlier in 20th century, this method was used for the purpose of helping students read and appreciate foreign language literature.
- It is known in the united states a “Prussian Method.”
- The method also dominated foreign language teaching in Europe and other western countries from 1840-1940. This method was used to teach dead languages.
- The goal of foreign language study is to learn a language in order to read its literature.
- Mother tongue dominates, The student’s native language is the medium of instruction.
- Vocabulary selection is based solely on the reading text used, and words are taught throgh bilingual word lists, dictionary study, and memorization.
- Basic unit of teaching is word
- Accuracy is emphasized.
- Grammar is taught prescriptively-deductive method-first rule then examples, Grammar is the soul. students are given grammar rules and example and are told to memorize them, and then asked to apply the rules to other examples.
- Main activity is explanation of grammar rules and translation exercises
- Reading and writing stressed, little emphasis on listening and speaking
- Syllabus of prose, poetry, grammatical structure exercises
- Teacher is dependent on text-bilingual list of words-rigid exercises
Merits of Grammar Translation Method
- Comparison between two languages helps students to have a better understanding of the sentence meaning.
- Translation is the easiest way of explaining meanings or words and phrases from one language into another.
- Easiest for teachers to use. He does not require different audio visual aids to explain words meaning. Does not require teachers to speak good English or make good lesson preparations.
- Least stressful for students-teaching occurs in the first language. Students learn the new language without contact with native speakers.
- It stresses on acquiring correct grammar.
- It increases vocabulary rapidly.
- Developing the art of translation.
- Strong memory bond is created.
- It saves time and more effective and economical.
- English grammar can be easily taught by comparing with the grammar of mother tongue.
- Very useful in over crowed classes.
- It is method through which the learner proceeds from known to unknown language.
- Teacher’s labour is saved. Since the textbooks are taught through the medium of the mother tongue, the teacher may ask comprehension questions on the text taught in the mother tongue. Pupils will not have much difficulty in responding to questions on the mother tongue. So, the teacher can easily assess whether the students have learnt what he has taught them.
- Accuracy is emphasized strictly. Accuracy means grammatical correctness.
Demerits of Grammar Translation Method
- Overemphasis on translation can never leave the learners from dependence on the first language. It prevents students to think directly in English.
- It puts too much emphasis on reading and writing and neglects listening and speaking.
- The texts are mostly taken form literary works. The language learned often doesn’t meet the practical needs of the learners.
- Memorizing grammar rules and bilingual word lists does not motivate students to actively communicate in the target language.
- No scope for effective communication and very tedious for Learner.
- Direct translation is widely regarded as an inefficient way of becoming fluent in any language
- Students lack comprehension-only translating word-for-word
- Very little student/teacher and student/student interaction, Passive role of learners.
- It is unnatural and un-psychological method of learning language skills because it ignores the normal order of learning i.e listening, speaking, reading and writing.
- Exact translation in the target language is not possible. There are words, idioms, phrases in English for which words can not be translated into mother tongue.
- It does not help the students to learn correct pronunciation of English language or the target language.
- This method often creates frustration for students by a tedious experience of memorizing endless list of unusable grammar rules and vocabulary.
Process/ Activities in Grammar Translation Method
- Teacher is the strict authority. Classes are teacher-centered.
- Students are the passive receivers of the new information
- Texts from the target language literature are used. The teacher may either write the text or use an authentic literary text.
- the memorization of long lists of vocabulary with their equivalents in the students’ native language.
- Translation, Fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, Reading Comprehension
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