Direct Method : Concept, Characteristics, History, Merits, Demerits, Activities



Direct Method : Concept, Characteristics, History, Merits, Demerits, Activities

IITE B.ED. SEM-2 Pedagogy of English-L2 2.1 

By. Dr. Alpeshkumar Nakrani 
Assistant Professor 
Smt. J. J. Kundalia Graduate Teachers’ College

Concept of Direct Method

  • “The method of teaching foreign language without the use of mother tongue.”
  • It only uses target language to teach target language.
  • It is also called “Natural method” because of its learners do not use native language.
  • It’s named “direct", because meaning should be connected directly with the target language without translation into the native language.
  • The Berlitz Method
  • The Natural Method
  • The Anti- Grammatical Method
  • The Reform Method
  • Direct method aims to build a direct relation between experience and language, word and idea, thought and expression.
  • This method intends for students to learn how to communicate in the target language.
  • This method is based on the assumption that the learner should experience the new language in the same way as he/she experienced his/her mother tongue.

Principle of Direct Method

  • Learning is not merely restricted with formal language knowledge; it also involves speaker conventions and descriptive usage. NOT formal BUT NATURAL USE
  • Students should learn to think in the target language as soon as possible. Vocabulary is acquired more naturally if students use it in full sentences, rather than memorizing word lists. NOT memorization but PRODUCTION
  • The purpose of language learning is communication; therefore students need to learn how to ask questions as well as answer them. COMMUNICATION-FIRST PRINCIPLE

History of Direct Method

  • The Direct Method was developed by Maximilian Berlitz towards the end of the 19th century as a reaction to the GT Method and for economic development, the communication among nations became more frequent.
  • This method is established in Germany and France, and originated at the 19th century.
  • Teachers, frustrated by the limits of the GT Method in terms of its inability to create communicative competence in students, began to experiment with new ways of teaching language
  • Founded by Francois Gouin, in 1860, he observed hundreds of French students learning a foreign language and concluded that learning a foreign language should be in the same way by which people learn their L1.

Characteristics of Direct Method

  1. This method uses only the target language.
  2. Vocabulary is taught through demonstration objects and picture. mime; abstract vocabulary is taught by association of ideas.
  3. The grammar is taught by using an inductive approach.
  4. Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized.  Both speaking speech and listening comprehension are taught. Not memorization but production.
  5. Classroom instructions are conducted exclusively in the target language. The teaching learning process is carried out in the English environment.
  6. The learner was actively involved in using the language in realistic everyday situations.
  7. Speaking was taught first before reading or writing.
  8. The syllabus was based on situations or topics.
  9. The teacher and the students are more like partners in the teaching/learning process.
  10. Teacher is the only demonstrator. He/she never translates but demonstrates the meaning through the use of realia, pictures .
  11. Student should be speaking at least 80% of the time during the lesson.
  12. The teacher, by asking the student to make a choice, gets him to correct his own error.

 Merits of Direct Method

  1. It helps learners to acquire correct pronunciation .
  2. It provides better fluency of language. Based on psychological principles.
  3. No gap between active and passive vocabularies.
  4. The main objective of the direct method is to teach communication skills in a foreign language by means of minimizing the use of native language in class.
  5. The direct method places a strong emphasis on practical and oral training through listening and speaking.
  6. The students are taught the English as they learn their mother tongue. This method helps students speak language effectively. It is scientific and very effective.
  7. The students will be improved their speaking and listening comprehension skills.
  8. The learners begin using the language without fear.
  9. Using of grammar and pronunciation are exactly corrected and taught inductively.
  10. Strong bond between thought and expression. Active Vocabulary is developed.
  11. Learner learns the language , not about the language.
  12. Lively classroom procedures motivate the learner.
  13. The teaching of vocabulary through realia brings authenticity into the classroom .
  14. The emphasis on speech make it attractive for those who need real communication in l2.

Demerits of Direct Method

  1. Schools where the constraints of budget, classroom size, time, and teacher background (native speakers or native like fluency) made such a method difficult to use. It needs competent teachers.
  2. Direct method is difficult as there is no use of mother tongue.
  3. It is not economical as it requires various teaching aids.
  4. May not be suitable for average and weaker students.
  5. It gives overemphasis on listening and speaking skills.
  6. It is not effective in early stages of learning.
  7. It ignores written work & reading activities and sufficient attention is not paid to reading & writing skill.
  8. In Large class, DM is not properly applied. (not satisfy the needs of individual) •
  9. For every sentence or subject matter, the teacher can not perform an action and show any object.
  10. It is time consuming.
  11. Grammar taught inductively which may be difficult for weaker students to grasp.

Process/ Activities in Direct Method

  • The teacher should teach vocabularies, sentences, or grammars through pantomime, real-life objects and other visual materials.
  • The teacher chooses a grade appropriate passage and reads the text aloud.
  • The student needs to take turn reading sections of passage, play, or dialogue out loud.
  • Student are less passive as compared to GTM. They think and speak in the target language. They try to speak as much as possible
  • Reading loud
  • Question and answer exercise
  • Getting students to self-correct
  • Conversation practice
  • Fill-in-the-blank exercise
  • Dictation
  • Map drawing
  • Paragraph writing

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Direct Method : Concept, Characteristics, History, Merits, Demerits, Activities

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