Structural Approach: Concept, Characteristics, History, Merits, Demerits, Activities



Structural Approach: Concept, Characteristics, History, Merits, Demerits, Activities
Structural Approach: Concept, Characteristics, History, Merits, Demerits, Activities

                    IITE B.ED. SEM-2 Pedagogy of English-L2 2.1                                 

By. Dr. Alpeshkumar Nakrani 
Assistant Professor 
Smt. J. J. Kundalia Graduate Teachers’ College

Concept of Structural Approach

Teaching the learner certain selected structures in a certain order. (C.S.Bhandari)

Structural Approach is a scientific study of the fundamental structures of the English language, their analysis and logical arrangements. (Brewington)
Concept of Structural Approach
This approach employs techniques of the direct method of teaching. Speech is mainly stressed bat reading and writing is not neglected. The structural approach is not a method in the strict sense of the term.
It is an approach, a technique, a device which can be used to put into practice any method successfully.
It is a way to teach English by using only of the traditional method like grammar translation or direct method etc. According to Prof. B. D. Srivastava, “The structural approach is, in fact, the situational approach of language teaching"
structural oral situational approach
Came into being as an alternative to the Direct Method of teaching English.
Based on the assumptions that language can be learnt through :a scientific selection and grading of structures patterns of sentences and vocabulary.
“ The structural approach is based on the belief that in the learning of a foreign language mastery of structures is more important than acquisition vocabulary.” Menon & Patel.
The main aim of the approach is To lay the foundation of English by establishing drill and repetition of 275 structures of the English language. To enable the learners attain the mastery of over an essential vocabulary of 3000 root words.

Principle of Structural Approach

This Approach is based on the belief that in the learning of a foreign language, mastery of structure is more important than the acquisition of vocabulary.”
Grammar or structure is the starting point in teaching a language. It builds the syllabus on structures and grammatical items (nearly 250/275 structures).
Language is viewed as structurally related elements - syllables, words, structures for encoding of the meaning of a sentence. Language learning as a habit formation process

S+V= birds fly
S+V+O = it is a table
S+V+C=the sun is bright
S+V+IO+DO=the teacher gave us notes.
S+V+to infinitive=she wants to learn
S+V+gerund= he begins crying.

History of Structural Approach

Charles Fries and Robert Lado suggested Structural Approach in 1950s. It is also known as New Approach, or Aural Oral Approach or S-O-S Approach. In India this approach was ushered by Jean Forrester who was the part of the massive Madras ELT campaign (MELT).

Characteristics of Structural Approach

It’s main objective is to increase the students command over the pattern of English and enabling them to use the language more effectively.
It also known as ‘ aural-oral approach ’ as it stress teaching language by giving opportunities to the students to hear and speak the language. Speech is emphasized.
The approach involve selection and gradation of material to be taught according to usefulness, productivity, simplicity, teachability
The structural approach makes use of the following features for teaching the language.
Word order – Word order or the patterns of form is very important in English language. Each word in ascertain arrangement has a fixed place which can not be changed.
The presence of Function words – Function words are structural words. They function as the structural links. Function words help in modifying meaning
The use of a few Inflections: Another important characteristic is that English language makes used of an inflection as compared to other languages.

Criteria to select structures 

Usefulness – the structures, which are more frequent in use should be introduced first
Productivity – some if the structures are productive, other structures can be built upon. for e.g.: we have two sentence pattern- a) Mr. Roy is here b) Here is Mr.Roy the former pattern is productive because we can frame many sentences on the same pattern like – He is there etc.
Simplicity – The simplicity of the structure depends upon the form and the meaning.
Teach-ability – Items easy from teaching point of view.
Frequency – The structures must be selected with a high frequency of occurrence.
Range – to know, in how many contexts it is applicable
Coverage – A word covering a number of meanings For e.g.: Meals
Learnability – teacher should focus on the items that are easy for students to learn should be taken first.

It co-relate the teaching of grammar and composition with reading lesson. Thus grammar is taught informally.
The unit teaching is particular structure.
Oral drill form a significant step of this approach.
Meaningful situations are created by the teacher with help of easily available teaching aids.
It lays proper emphasis on aural-oral approach method.
Habit formation is stressed.
Carefully selected and graded structure/ language material.
It creates interest and motivation in the pupils through the use of selected and graded material.
Besides oral work it emphasizes an reading and writing skill .
Students are taught to master the pattern of sentences.
Grammar is taught informally. The unit teaching is particular structure.

Merits of Structural Approach

Facilitates the learning of English language by imparting the knowledge of its structures.
Focus on sentence-pattern and a lot of practice. Learns a language before read or write it.
By learning the Structure of sentences the learner automatically learns some grammar, word order and use of words. The common errors can be avoided in grammar and composition.
Enables learner to speak the language first. Teaches all four skills-- listening, speaking reading and writing.
Based on scientific principles. At every stage the objective is clearly defined
Habit of speaking English is developed right from the beginning. Drilling helps in removal of hesitation.
English Students able to use the function of word accurately.
Mastery over 250 Fundamental structures Learning Vocabulary through Sentence Patterns Emphasis on aural-oral Approach
Correlates teaching of Grammar with Composition Mastery over 3000 root words Helps in understanding Word order.
Students acquire good pronunciation and fluency. It stresses habit formation - the habit of speaking English. The initial drilling minimizes the mistakes of students.

Demerits of Structural Approach

Text books prescribed in course cannot be taught through this approach. Not helpful in teaching prose, poetry and other form of literature.

Not suitable for higher classes as they don’t like repetition of structures. Best suited at Early Stage of Learning Only Structures can not cover the whole syllabus
Knowledge of grammar cannot be obtained through this approach as it touches only the functional grammar.
Does not solve the problems of teaching English. Only helps the teacher to know what he has taught and what he should teach next.
Does not consider the capacity of learner and expects a great deal from the teacher.
Does not guide the teacher how to present a content and also no guidelines for written exercises.
The centre of interest is the content not the learner. Continuous teaching of structures and drilling makes the class mechanical and dull. Suitable for junior class only.
This approach neglects: reading of all types, vocabulary expansion, exploitation of pupils knowledge of mother tongue and any possibilities of more flexible structure grading and production of interesting reading materials.
over-crowded classrooms & rigid curriculum is a problem in India. It is not practicable in Indian schools.
Meaning is not given importance while teaching language. Its form focused and laid emphasis on grammar
This approach fails to exploit children’s mother tongue.
The proper working out of the structural approach requires efficient teachers. There is acute dearth of such teachers. Also it demands a great deal of dedication from the teachers and many teachers dont have proper training to apply these kind of approaches.
It will not help cover the syllabus.

Process/ Activities in Structural Approach

The Different arrangement or pattern of words is called a structure.
A systematic attention is paid to pronunciation and drilling. Language is taught by intensive oral drills of the basic patterns.

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Structural Approach: Concept, Characteristics, History, Merits, Demerits, Activities

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