(1) Which
are the active commands?
(A) reading
and writing (B) speaking and writing
(C) writing
and listening (D) speaking and listening
(2) A blue
print has ………..dimensions.
(A) four (B) three (C) two
(D) depends on teacher
(3) The
direct method is originated in…..
(A) France (B) Germany
(C) Italy
(4) ……………….is
used to monitor learning experiences of the students during the period of
instruction .
(A) formative
evaluation (B) summative
(C) oral
evaluation (D) Written
(5) Which
method is also known as classical method?
(A) Direct
method (B) Grammar translation method
(C) Communicative
approach (D) Dr. West's New method
(6) Where
does teachers' personal bias and thoughts occur in evaluation?
(A) short
answer type question (B) multiple choice questions
(C) Essay
type questions (D) true-false
(7) Basic
unit of teaching is a word in ….
(A) Direct
method (B) structural
(C) Grammar
translation method (D) the ABC method
(8) In which type if composition students
have to work according to what has been suggested?
(A) free composition (B) guided
(C) oral
compositon (D) Written composition
(9) Which
is psychological method of teaching a language?
(A) Direct
method (B) indirect method
(C) Grammar
translation method (D) Structural
(10) Flash
cards are very useful in teaching….
(A) essay
writing (B) vocabulary (C) stress (D)
(11) Communicative
competence term was given by…
(A) Holland (B) Dell
Hymns (C) Hornby (D) Prof. Pathak
(12) How many
sounds are there in English?
(A) 36 (B) 26 (C) 44 (D)
(13) Following
sentence is not correct in reference to communicative approach.
(A) Focus on
language as a medium of communication.
(B) Stress
on functions of language
(C) Judicious
use of native language is no allowed.
(D) Drilling
may occur but peripherally.
(14) Following
is not one of the methods of teaching reading?
(A) The ABC
method (B) The word
(C) The
Phrase method (D) The inductive method
(15) Simulation
is the……..
(A) imitation
of unknown world process.
(B) imitation
of created world process.
(C) imitation
of imagined world process.
(D) imitation of the operation of real-world
(16) The
three domains by Benjamin Bloom are
(A) Cognitive,
Effective, Psychomental
(B) Knowledge,
Comprehension, Expression
(C) Knowledge,
Comprehension, Application
(D) Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor
(17) Following
is not a group method technique in communicative language teaching?
(A) Symulation
(B) role
plays (C) language games (D)
reading stories
(18) CALL
(A) Computer
activated Language Learning
(B) Computer
assisted Language Learning
(C) Computer
ascertained Language Learning
(D) Computer
advantaged Language Learning
(19) The
logical starting point of any language teaching is….
(A) listening
work (B) oral work (C) written work (D) word
(20) What is
not the difference between general and specific objectives?
(A) long-term: short term
(B) at educational planning
level: at teaching planning level
(C) difficult to measure: easy to measure
(D) a
method : an approach
If you have any doubts, questions, query or suggestions please comment