What is a Textbook?: importance and Various aspects of reviewing textbooks

What is a textbook?
A textbook is an informational book that you use specifically for a class at school or college. A textbook is a book of instruction and used for teaching and learning by students and teachers. . Its primary aim is not to impart information about a specific subject but to enable one to develop proper understanding of the subject.
Importance of textbook:
1.    Good textbooks are excellent teaching aids. They're a resource for both teachers and students. A text book is written according to the syllabus and gives the outline of the course. Therefore it helps the teacher to decide about the limits and depth of the content to be presented to the students while teaching.
2.    A text book provides insight to the teacher in planning lesson, in selecting the problems to be worked out, the methods of teaching to be adopted and the teaching aids to be used.  The logical and psychological sequence followed in a text book helps the teacher in presenting the subject matter in an orderly and systematic sequence 
3.    A good text book presents a variety of worked out examples on each topic. This helps the teacher in getting acquainted with different types of problems and the methods to solve them. This gives more self confidence while teaching 
4.    A text book save a lot of time for the teacher as he need not spend time to prepare problems and the solutions as they are readily available in the text books. 
5.    A text book is an important aid for learning. It helps the pupils to relate what they are learning to life.  It helps to foster the right study attitude among the students since the text book presents defined and concrete details in scientific and intensive manner which could arouse the students interest and curiosity. 
6.    The well graded exercises provided after every topic in the text book help the teacher in assigning suitable homework and assignment to the student.
7.    It encourages self study and independent work among the students. 
8.    The text book provides important source of materials for reviewing and recapitulating the lessons taught in the class.
9.    memory tool for learners
10. a permanent record of learning
11. source of motivation
12. essential for new teachers
     The text book is valuable only when it is used properly. The text book should not be used as the only source of instructional material. It should be used as an aid in teaching, not a substitute for teaching

Essential features of Ideal textbook/aspects of reviewing a textbook
1.    suitable subject matter, variety of subject matter, age mental level, familiar
2.    appropriate vocabulary and structure
3.    order and proportion-too long or too short
4.    exercises and glossary
5.    illustrations
6.    printing and paper, number of pages
7.    cove, size and binding
8.    format
9.    reliability and validity