Dictionary: Its use in English Learning

A dictionary is a collection of words in one or more specific languages, often listed alphabetically, with usage information, definitions, etymologies, phonetics, pronunciations, and other information-dictionary of all branches of knowledge such as science, mathematics, agriculture, law, engineering, philosophy, computers etc.-teach students how to use
Popular dictionaries:
·         Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary -by Robert Ed. Webster
·         Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary-by Albert Sydney Hornby
Online dictionaries: www.oxforddictionaries.com
Use/importance/advantages of dictionary
1.    To know the meaning-bilingual meanings
2.    To know multiple meanings
3.    Correct pronunciation
4.    Grammatical category of words: noun, pronoun, verb etc
5.    Usage of words
6.    Synonyms and antonyms
7.    Abbreviations
8.    Glossary of words related to special field; body, kitchen, fruits, vegetables
9.    Can be used any time-handy reference
10. Picture dictionary interesting and easy for lower level
11. Activities using dictionaries
12. Specialized subjects dictionaries
13. Know origins of words-etymological
14. Language-spelling games
15. Habit of expansion of vocabulary

Some Useful Dictionary