Teaching basic language skills: LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing)

Active/productive skills: speaking and writing
Passive /receptive skills: listening and reading
Graphic-motor skills: reading and writing

Basic language skills and  their sub skills
1. listening skill: means receiving sounds produced by the speaker-decoding sounds
o   comprehension ( identifying the topic )
o   word recognition
o   ability to respond intonation
o   ability to understand ellipsis
o   ability to distinguish between more important and less important
o   ability to concentrate

  1. speaking skill: means using sounds and forming meaningful chunks of sounds for transmitting message
o   correct pronunciation of the words
o   correct expression of ideas and feelings
o   delivery of sentences with correct intonation and tones
o   fluency of speech
o   stressing the required syllables in words and sentences
o   using undertone in speech
o   planning if the speech                                                                      
  1. reading skill: decoding written text in meaningful and correct utterances
o   reading with required speed
o   correct pronunciation of the words
o   understanding
o   identification of the topics, important ideas and sentences
o   sentence delivery with correct tone and intonation
o   a sense of pauses
  1. writing skill: means encoding message in the graphic form (text) on paper sheet
o   writing grammatically correct English
o   writing effectively ( presentation skill )
o   explanation of ideas or points
o   writing with correct expression
o   synthesizing the ideas
o   coherence in writing

Techniques of developing listening skill
1.    Presenting short stories, events, narration, passages etc.
2.    pronunciation drills and exercises
3.    language games
4.    informal talks, debate
5.    action songs, rhymes, instructions, commands
6.    role play
7.    dialogues, drama
8.    using audio visual aids such as radio, gramophone, linguaphone, tv , filmsCDs etc

Techniques of developing speaking skill
1.    speech on any topic
2.    describing pictures, objects events
3.    narrate public places
4.    reporting what they experienced or witnessed
5.    telling about tours, excursion, picnic and places
6.    elocution competition, discussion, dialogue, recitation

Techniques of developing reading skill
          Types of reading:   loud reading and silent reading
                                      Extensive reading and intensive reading
Methods of teaching reading
1.    the ABC of alphabetic method: alphabets taught first-split words into letters
2.    the phonic method: phoneme-minimal sounds taught first
3.    the syllabic method: syllable are taught-v, cv, ccv etc
4.    the word method: reading words at single look with ease
5.    the phrase method: noun phrases and verb phrases taught
6.    the sentence method: sentences are taught
7.    The story method: teacher write story on board or flash card students to read, may read from books
Techniques of developing reading skill
1.   Providing opportunities to read textual material, words, sentences, paragraphs keeping in view the sounds, punctuation marks, stress, intonation, articulation etc.
2.   Suggesting unseen passages
3.   Using flash cards
4.   Using black board
5.   Drilling
6.   Practice of silent and loud reading

Techniques of developing writing skill
1.    systematic practice of writing in copy book, provide printed cards, materials
2.    introducing curves, shapes using printed cards and copy books
3.    writing practice in groups and individually
4.    transcription and dictation exercises
5.    providing specimen of writing showing proper size, spacing, distinctiveness, writing in strait lines
6.    composition writing, letters, essays, story, report, application
7.    using substitution tables
8.    read and write and speak and write
9.    join sentences, complete sentences exercises