Structural approach: Concept, Characteristics features, Principles, Advantages and Disadvantages

          There was no scope of selection and gradation of material in older methods-alternative to direct method-also known as Structural-oral-situation approach-(SOS)-outcome of experiments in army campus during world war II-the Army Specialized Training Programme in 1942 in America-the language is taught by intensive oral drilling of basic sentence structures-systematic attention to pronunciation- A. S. Hornby and Harold Palmer developed situational approach-became very effective in late 1940s and 1950s
          It is the presentation and practice of carefully selected and graded grammatical structures of English in effective, meaningful situations initially through speech and later through reading and writing
1.    Language is primarily a speech-LSRW
2.    A language is a set of habits-influence by operant conditioning of B.F. Skinner-practice make automatic response-personal skill
3.    Language is a system of structures and signals
4.    Language should be presented in an organic way
5.    Learning becomes easy if presented in small units
6.    Learning of foreign language is facilitated if presented in the context of mother tongue
7.    Quantity of language-gradation of language make efficient learning
8.    Learning rules make dull-language is a living system-situational teaching

1.    Selection of structures: according to usefulness, productivity, simplicity, teachability
2.    Grading of structures : according to usefulness, productivity, simplicity, teachability-vocabulary also graded
3.    Language items presented first orally then written form
4.    Reading and writing is based on what has been introduced orally
5.    Structural syllabus prepared by language experts: lessons that introduce language items and vocabulary-divided into three parts-preparatory material, reading passage, exercises
6.    Major activity drilling
7.    Situational teaching
8.    Functional grammar
9.    Does not favour mother tongue but allowed
1.    Selected and graded structures facilitates learning
2.    Speech is emphasized-learning becomes lively
3.    Habit formation stressed
4.    Situational teaching in context
5.    Pupils become active-drill work
6.    Masters basic structures so masters basic elements of a language
7.    275 basic structures and 3000 words are mastered -enough for expression
8.    Repetition naturalize habit of using the language
9.    Indirectly and automatically learns grammar rules
10. Learning language of day to day life-easy for interaction for students in the real world
11. LSRW
1.    Rapid sequencing of structures results in production of uninteresting reading material
2.    Reading, writing and vocabulary expansion neglected-over emphasis on speech
3.    Mechanical drilling-does not always lead to habit formation
4.    Not suited for senior clases
5.    Competent teachers required-who know structure-
6.    classroom management difficult if big class
7.    other aspects of language difficult-literary-idiomatic expressions-difficult structures
8.    the soul of language not presented-touched