Characteristics of ideal question paper, What is blue print based paper??

·       Meaning of blue print

It is a detailed plan of action or outline in a technical form. It was first used at construction and industry. Later it was used in car modeling, animation story boarding, etc. Basically, it is used at those areas where we want a detailed plan of action before executing finally. It provide students an interactive approach for education planning to meet the curriculum expectations and learning objectives. It is a matrix or chart reporting the number and type of test questions. The questions represent the topics in the content area.  The questions are based on the learning objective¢ from each topic. It also identifies the percentage(%) weighting of cognitive dimensions

·         To provide conceptual map of examination format and¢ the content area
·         Type of measurement tool for assessing the items¢ weighting the respective column of learning objectives
·         It guides item collection and development¢ 
·         It provides a clear framework for the teacher to¢ design items which assess the important concept or thinking skill listed in the test blueprint.
·         It also provide sources for the formative use of the summative assessment 
·         to satisfy the bloom’s taxonomy of educational¢ objective
1.    Content analysis¢
2.    Determination of learning objectives¢ 
3.    Determination of no. of items for each topic based¢ on learning objectives
4.    Determining the types of questions¢
Importance of a blueprint
·         Why the blueprint is inevitable, essential can not the paper be set without preparing the blueprint? If he does so what will be the demerits of that question paper
·         In order to be more precise.
·         It gives clear vision about the aims and objectives of teacher
·         Function as an indicator
·         Shows right direction
·         Work becomes easy

   It should be prepared according to the aims and objectives of the syllabus. It should cover all the four objectives like knowledge, comprehension, application and expression. It should also cover long-term and short-term goals.
·         It should be prepared according the content taught. It should cover entire course. All the topics of the content should be covered up.
·         All types of questions should be covered up. This means short answer type , essay type and objective type of questions.
·         Answers should be definite. One question must have one answer.
·         There should not be too much weightage to a particular topic or part of the syllabus.
·         Questions should not be ambiguous or asked to confuse students. Questions should be clear and comprehensive .
·         Instructions and directions should be in simple language and straightforward.
·         Question paper should not be too easy or too difficult. It should be able to distinguish between dull and brilliant students.
·         Question paper should be time oriented. It should not be too lengthy or too short.
·         There should not be scope of subjective evaluation.
·         Marking system should be fair and easy.  60 % for the content and 40% for language errors.
·         Test items should be reliable and valid because some questions may not be directly connected with the content, some may not be authentic others may not be relevant to the objectives.
·         Questions should also testify mental abilities as well such as imagination, reasoning etc.