Knowledge objective: questions and specific objective verbs

Meaning: Rote memorization, recognition, recall of facts, Exhibiting previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers (Key words… list, recite, define, name, match, quote, recall, identify, label, recognize)
v  Answer the following questions in one sentence or one word only.
ex.     Who is the father of our nation?
What is on the table?
Where are you going?
When did you come?
 The questions beginning with Who, where, when, what, how-may, how much and checking only the knowledge of the students and the answer is one and perfect only come under this.
In sentence format…
-Give definition of…….
-Identify noun…..
-Arrange the events
-Choose the correct spelling
-Spell out correct
-List out….
- Name the ….
-Recall….and answer..
-Select appropriate…
v  Fill in the blanks.
v  Complete the following spellings.
v  Give antonyms.
v  Give synonyms.
v  Give meanings of the following words.
v  Select appropriate meaning from the following.
[A]Treachery      [B]Triumph         [C]Commotion    [D]Overflow
v  Word formation exercises: From noun to verb, verb to noun etc…
v  Select correct verb form
v  Give past form of the following verbs.
v  Match 'A' with 'B'
v  Say whether the following is true or false (Tick mark in the box)
v  All the multiple choice questions where there is recalling of facts