Concept and principles of Communicative Language Teaching, Advantages and Disadvantages

          Emphasize the use of target language in everyday situations-functional aspect of language stressed-emerged in last decade of 20th century-a british approach--shift from mechanical practice to activities more meaningful and authentic-shift from form based to meaning based-from teacher-centred to learner centred approach-goal is to develop communicative competence-to know not only grammatical rules but also to know where and when to use appropriately-to communicate means to share ideas or to convey messages verbally or non-verbally- it thinks language is as a tool of communication-based on notional functional syllabus meaning : a "notion" is a particular context in which people communicate. A "function" is a specific purpose for a speaker in a given context. For example, the "notion" of shopping requires numerous language "functions", such as asking about prices or features of a product and bargaining.
Dell Hymns introduced the word communicative competence which includes
1.    Grammatical competence (words and rules),
2.    Discourse competence (asks how words, sentences and phrases are placed together to create understandable conversations and other language. The term also refers to a person’s understanding of the rules that govern a language.),
3.    strategic (appropriate use of communicative strategies such as paraphrasing, substitution, coining new words, switching to the first language, and asking for clarification)
4.    socio-linguistic competence (appropriateness)-
Halliday emphasized functions of language
a.   Instrumental (gettings things and getting things done)
b.   Regulatory (controlling others)
c.    Interactional  (interact with others)
d.   Personal (express the self)
e.   Heuristic (to learn, discover)
f.     Imaginative (create imagination)
g.    Representational function (convey meaning)
1.    Communication is the soul of human lives
2.    Natural acquisition happens when a learner learns a language through use-real life situations-experiences
3.    Language is a skill-related to psychomotor domain-
4.    Authentic material within the range of learners' experience is effective
5.    No skill can be developed in isolation-contextual teaching
6.    Teacher is to touch heart not brain- a facilitator
7.    Learning should proceed from syntax to semantics (socio-linguistics)

1.    Focus on language as a medium of communication
2.    Learner centred approach
3.    Authentic syllabus and material used
4.    Autonomous learning-independent of teachers
5.    Stress on functions of a language
6.    Fluency and accuracy both stressed
7.    It is eclectic/flexible
8.    Learners given opportunities to use the language by activities, group work, pair work, information gap, language games, real-life situations, role-plays, simulations, projects-no mechanical drilling or practice
9.    Teacher's role as initiator, guide, co-communicator, facilitator
10. Emphasis on semantics than syntax
11. Oral and written expression both emphasized
12. Errors are spared-constant correction is unnecessary
13. Grammar taught less systematically-descriptive way
14. Lexical items taught in context
15. LSRW developed in integrated way

Advantages of CLT

1.    Interactive activities mobilizes classroom-live atmosphere
2.    Learner-centred activities-learners are active participants-
3.    Use of language games, mind engaging tasks, group work, pair work, group discussion
4.    Acquire the skill of using language in real life
5.    Judicious use of mother tongue makes it easy
6.    Develop speech capability
7.    Based on latest scientific principles of pedagogy

Disadvantages of CLT
1.    May not help all kind of learners-difficult for low profile learners
2.    It ignores grammatical structures
3.    Average teachers can not carry and plan communicative activities-trained teachers required
4.    All linguistic items cannot be taught in context
5.    Non-native environment outside the class make it difficult to use the language
6.    Schools are not well equipped
7.    In large Indian classrooms not effective