Importance of English Teaching

Importance of English Teaching
English Teaching
English Teaching

         English as international language

§   Widely used by international community, major language of the world
§  Useful in establishing international relations
§  Language of trade and commerce
§  Literature is rich in resources, treasure of knowledge
§  A link language in multilingual country like India
§  A window to world technological and scientific progress
§  A flexible and receptive language
§  A classical language
§  Enables to become a good communicator
§  For abroad education, higher education, increases employment opportunities
§  Tool to establish our viewpoints by comparing with the world
§  Recreational importance
English as Library language…
§  Most of the authentic reference books in English, books on all branches
§  To be a specialist English proficiency required
§  Most of the libraries computerized
§  Classification of books in English
§  Catalogues in English
§  Most of e-content and e-library network in English
§  Major number of translations in English
§  More than 60% of journals, magazines in English of all fields