I3T TET TAT Preparation ICT, E-Learning and Web Resources Part-2 (MCQ with answers)



Q1. ICT stands for _______________

a. Information and Communication Technology

b. Information and Communication Terminology

c. Information and Common Technology

d. Information to Communication Technology


Q2. A computer is an _____________ machine

a. mechanical

b. electrical

c. electronic

d. None of the above

Q3. ICT refers to all the methods, tools, concepts related to

a. storing digital information.                             

b. recording digital information.

c. sending digital information.

d. All of the above



Q4. Which of the following ways are used to record or store information?

a. handwritten on paper

b. written using a typewriter

c. typed in computer

d. All of the above

Q5. Physical part of computer is called ___________

a. Hardware

b. Software

c. Shareware             

d. None of the above

Q6. Which of the following is not computer hardware?

a. RAM

b. Keyboard

c. MS Paint

d. Monitor


Q7. Which of the following is/are examples of software?

a. MS Word

b. MS Excel

c. OpenOffice Calc

d. All of the above

Q8. ______ act as an interface between the user and the computer.

a. Operating System

b. Ms Excel

c. Impress

d. Digital Documentation

Q9. Software that starts working as soon as we switch on a computer is

a. RAM

b. ROM

c. Operating System

d. None of the above

Q10. Hardware would not be able to function without ___________

a. Shareware

b. Freeware

c. Software

d. None of the above

Q11. Which of the following is an output device?

a. Monitor

b. Speaker

c. Printer

d. All of the above

Q12. Which of the following are mobile operating system?

a. Apple iOS

b. Android

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above




Q13. BIOS stands for

a. Basic Input/Output System

b. Base Input/Output System

c. Basic Input and Output Systematic

d. None of the above


Q14. Identify the input device

a. Printer

b. Speaker

c. Mouse

d. Monitor

Q15. A __________ is a device used to type text, numbers and commands into the computer.

a. Mouse

b. Keyboard

c. Joystick

d. None of the above




Q16. Keys labeled from F1 to F12 are __________ keys

a. Input

b. System

c. Function

d. Help

Q17. The function of the F1 key in most programs is to ___________

a. open save as dialog box

b. open help

c. delete a file

d. None of the above


Q18. You use the _______________ key to move the cursor to the beginning of a new line.

a. Enter

b. Return

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above



Q19. Navigation keys are

a. Arrow Keys

b. Page Up

c. Page down

d. All of the above

Q20. When the INSERT key is turned ON, it helps you overwrite characters to the ______ of the cursor

a. left

b. right

c. both of the above

d. None of the above

Q21. DELETE key is used to remove typed text on the _______ side of the cursor.

a. left

b. right

c. both of the above

d. None of the above


Q22. Backspace key is used to remove typed text on the _____ side of the cursor.

a. left

b. right

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Q23. _____________ key opens the start menu.

a. Arrow

b. Ctrl

c. Windows

d. None of the above

Q24. A _____________ is a device that you can use to move, select and open items on your computer screen.

a. Mouse

b. Joystick

c. Scanner

d. None of the above

Q25. When you click a particular file by mouse, it may gets __

a. Selected

b. Deselected

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Q26. When you move the item to the new location with the help of mouse. This is called ________________

a. Move and drop

b. Move and leave

c. Drag and drop

d. None of the above

Q27.Double-clicking means to quickly click the ______ mouse button twice

a. right

b. left

c. both of the above

d. None of the above

Q28. We can ___ a file by mouse by double click on file.

a. Close

b. Save

c. Open

d. Delete

Q29. ______functions are performed by mouse?

a. Click

b. Double Click

c. Drag and Drop

d. All of the above


Q30. Prevent others from using your computer by __________

a. using username and password

b. using antivirus

c. using UPS

d. using internet




Q31. Electronic files in computer can be ____________

a. Copied

b. Moved

c. Rename

d. All of the above

Q32. Each file in computer has _______________

a. Name

b. Extension

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Q33. The file name and file name extension are separated by a _______

a. period

b. comma

c. semi colon

d. None of the above



Q34. Sunil created a file in Notepad and saved the file by name “hello” so the complete name of file will be _____________

a. hello.doc

b. hello.docx

c. hello.txt

d. hello.jpg

Q35. The extension of image file is _____________

a. .xls

b. .jpg

c. .doc

d. .docx

Q36. A __________ is a location where a group of files can be stored.

a. folder

b. main file

c. super file

d. none of the above

Q37. When a student, Neha, joins a class, the teacher creates a file on the computer to store Neha’s information, such as name, address, phone number. In which of the following application, we can store such information?

a. Notepad                    c. MS Word  

b. Wordpad                   d. All of the above

Q38. Which of the following is a text editor?

a. MS Excel

b. MS Paint

c. Notepad

d. All of the above

Q39. Shortcut to save file is ________________

a. Ctrl + S

b. Ctrl + F1

c. Alt + S

d. None of the above

Q40. We need to protect our computer from ____________

a. Air

b. Dust

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Q41. We should avoid _______ to protect our computer/laptop.

a. Eating near computer

b. Keeping a glass of water near computer

c. Dropping laptop

d. All of the above

Q42. The CPU has an ______________ to keep it cool.

a. internal fan

b. external fan

c. cooling pipe

d. None of the above



Q43. Overcharge your mobile/laptop battery will _______ the battery life.

a. increase

b. decrease

c. no change

d. None of the above

Q44. Backing up data means to save the information present on your computer on another device.(T/F)

a. True

b. False

Q45. ___________ is used to protect our computer from virus.

a. Worm

b. Anti Spyware

c. Anti virus

d. None of the above

Q46. __________ software, help us to clean up the unnecessary files.

a. Data Cleaner

b. Disk Cleaner

c. Cleaner

d. None of the above

Q47. Unwanted mails are called ______________


b. SPM



Q48. What happens if you plugged in mobile/laptop even after 100% charge?

a. Device will break

b. Device will stop working

c. Device will over heat

d. None of the above




Q49. Pressing ____________ key opens the Start menu.

a. Windows

b. Alt + Windows

c. Ctrl + Windows

d. None of the above

Q50. ________ key helps to move the cursor to the beginning of a new line.

a. Ctrl + Home

b. Ctrl + End

c. Enter

d. None of the above

Q51. Extension of temporary file is ____

a) .tmp

b) .exe

c) .bmp

d) .xls




Q52. Press _____ on the keyboard to open Run dialog box.

a. Ctrl + R

b. Alt + R

c. Windows button + R

d. None of the above

Q53. To open Temp folder type ____________ in Run dialog box.

a. temp%

b. %temp%

c. #temp#

d. Any of the above

Q54. A device that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on user-defined security rules is ________

a. Antivirus

b. Malware

c. Firewall

d. None of the above




Q55. Firewall is a _____________________

a. Software

b. Hardware

c. Hardware or Software

d. None of the above

Q56. ___________ are small files which are stored on a user’s computer when a user visits a website on the internet.

a. Image

b. Cookies

c. Firewall

d. None of the above

Q57. Identify which of the following is a temporary file?

a. flower.jpg

b. temporary.doc

c. temporary.docx

d. web.tmp



Q58. Cookies are always harmful.(T/F)

a. True

b. False

Q59. _______ typically contain information about your visit to the webpage or record your login information.

a. Cookies

b. Image

c. Firewall

d. None of the above

Q60. Press ______ to select all files.

a. Ctrl + S

b. Ctrl + A

c. Ctrl + D

d. Ctrl + P





Q61. VIRUS is an acronym for

a. Vital Information Resource Under Seize

b. Vital Information Resource Under Size

c. Vital Information Remark Under Seize

d. Vital Informative Resource Under Seize

Q62. A _________ is a software program that attaches itself to other programs and alters their behavior.

a. Cookie

b. Computer virus

c. Firewall

d. None of the above

Q63. A computer virus can infect only ________

a. Hardware

b. Software

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above




Q64. A computer can get infected with virus by

a. Infected files

b. Infected pen drives

c. Infected file attachment of e-mails

d. All of the above

Q65. A computer virus cannot ____

a. infects files on CD or DVD, if they are closed for writing.

b. infects computer hardware like, keyboard, mouse, etc.

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Q66. Common signs of a virus attack is/are :

a. Computer runs very slow

b. There is change in the file size

c. Computer restarts on its own

d. All of the above

Q67. To prevent virus infection, we should

a. Install and use anti-virus software.

b. not open e-mails of an unknown person/sender

c. allows any untrustworthy person to use your system.

d. All of the above

Q68. Which of the following is an Antivirus?

a. Norton Anti Virus

b. Quick Heal

c. McAfee Virus Scan

d. All of the above

Q69. An anti-virus program can be effective when…

a. it run in the background at all times.

b. it is regularly updated

c. it scans full disk periodically

d. All of the above

Q70. Characteristics of computer virus is:

a. it makes copies of itself.

b. it makes the system slow.

c. it may get activated at a certain date and time.

d. All of the above


Q71. Regular care and maintenance of computer is required

a. to detect any issues at an early stage

b. so that system works efficiently

c. to avoid a condition of System Failure

d. All of the above

Q72. Regular maintenance of the system includes

a. installing updates of the software

b. check the security of the system

c. taking backups of important files and documents

d. All of the above

Q73. Precaution to be taken while cleaning the computer components are :

a. Power Off the computer before cleaning

b. Never spray cleaning fluid directly on the component of the computer.

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Q74. We should never spray any liquid cleaner directly on

a. Keyboard

b. Monitor

c. Mouse

d. All of the above

Q75. Disk defragmentation help to

a. removes the virus from the system

b. uses the disc space at an optimal level.

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Q76. System Performance can be increased by

a. increasing RAM

b. disk defragmentation

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Q77. __________parts of the computer system should be cleaned so that it can work properly.

a. Internal

b. External

c. Both internal and external

d. None of the above

Q78. DOS stands for ______________

a. Disk Operating System

b. Dot Operating System

c. Disk Open System

d. Disk Operating Secure

Q79. Which of the following is Microsoft Product?

a. DOS

b. Windows

c. Android

d. Linux

Q80. ________________ operating system is an example of an interactive operating system.

a. Windows

b. DOS

c. Linux

d. None of the above

Q81. GUI stands for _______________________

a. Graphical User Interface

b. Graphical User Interaction

c. Graphical User Interactive

d. None of the above

Q82. Which operating system allows only one user to do a task on the computer and one thing at a time?

a. Single-user, multi-task operating system

b. Single-user , single-task operating system

c. Multi-user

d. None of the above

Q83. Which Operating System is used to control machinery like robots in complex animations and computer controlled automated machines?

a. Real Time

b. Multi-user

c. Single-user, multi-task operating system

d. Distributed

Q84. Examples of real-time operating systems is :

A distributed system is a system in which components are located on different networked computers, which can communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages to one another

a. Windows CE

b. Lynx OS

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Q85. Examples of distributed operating systems is

a. Windows

b. Unix

c. Linux

d. All of the above

Q86. ___________ operating system enables multiple users to work on the same computer simultaneously.

a. Single-user , single-task operating system

b. Single-user, multi-task operating system

c. Multi-user

d. None of the above

Q87. Which Operating System enables single user to operate on several programs at the same time.

a. Single-user, multi-task operating system

b. Multi-user

c. Single-user , single-task operating system

d. Real Time

Q88. Example of Multi-Tasking Operating System is

a. Windows

b. Apple MacOS

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Q89. An operating system in which commands can be entered by clicking/double-clicking/right-clicking a mouse is :

a. GUI-based

b. CUI-based

c. TUI-based

d. None of the above

Q90. Examples of Mobile operating Systems is :

a. Android

b. Symbian

c. iOS

d. All of the above

Q91. The first screen that appears on monitor after loading OS is called ________________

a. Icons

b. Desktop

c. Wall paper

d. None of the above

Q92. Small pictures on the desktop are called _______

a. Desktop

b. Symbols

c. Icons

d. Pictures

Q93. Picture used for the desktop background is called __________

a. Wallpaper

b. Background image

c. Wall image

d. Desktop image

Q94. Start button is present on _________ side of the Taskbar.

a. right

b. left

c. top

d. bottom

Q95. Bar present at the bottom of the desktop is called ____________

a. Status bar

b. Scroll bar

c. Taskbar

d. None of the above

Q96. Components of Windows 7 Desktop is/are :

a. Desktop

b. Wallpaper

c. Taskbar

d. All of the above

Q97. Which icons allows user to access all drives, files, and folders on the computer.

a. Recycle Bin

b. Computer

c. Application

d. Start button


Q98. The main components of Taskbar is/are

a. Start button

b. Active Applications

c. Date/Time icon

d. All of the above

Q99. Deleted files and folders are stored in _______________

a. Recycle bin

b. My Computer

c. Control Panel

d. None of the above

Q100. Everything we store in computer is stored in the form of a __________

a. Folder

b. Sub folder

c. File

d. None of the above



Q101.Combination of both face to face and traditional classroom methods with e-learning is used to create a hybrid approach to teaching which is called as:

1.   Distance learning

2.   Blended learning

3.   Synchronous learning

4.   Asynchronous learning

 Q102 .WBL stands for

1.   Wide Based Learning

2.   Web Based Learning

3.   Web Biased Learning

4.   Web Based Listening

Q103 When teaching learning material is introduced offline so that learners can access the content anytime before the class starts and can write down their questions / problems which can be asked during the classroom is called

1.   Virtual classroom

2.   Google classroom

3.   Flipped classroom

4.   Traditional classroom

Q104. What describes a virtual classroom?

1.   Learners using technology in a classroom environment led by a tutor

2.   A training course done using you-tube tutorials

3.   On-line learning environment accessed through the Webinars

4.   On-line live learning course

Q105. An innovative tool that enables teachers to take students on immersive virtual journeys and field trips to anywhere: 

1.   Google Classroom

2.   Google Virtual Tours 

3.   Google Expeditions

4.   MS Classroom Expeditions

Q106. A mobile App and website portal from where you can download all books of NCERT for free:

1.   e-Pusthak

2.   udaan

3.   swayam.com

4.   e-Pathshala

Q107. Which of the following arrangements is an effective suppliment for providing Teacher Education through distance mode ?


2.   Smart Classrooms

3.   Virtual Universities

4.   MOOC

Q108. 'SITE' stands for:

(A) System for International technology and Engineering

(B) Satellite Instructional Television Experiment

(C) South Indian Trade Estate

(D) State Institute of Technology and Engineering 




Q109. LAN stands for:

(A) Local And National                          (B) Local Area Network

(C) Large Area Network                         (D) Live Area Network


Q110.  Which of the following is the appropriate definition of a computer?

(A) Computer is a machine that can process information.

(B) Computer is an electronic device that can store, retrieve and process both qualitative and quantitative data quickly and accurately.

(C) Computer is an electronic device that can store, retrieve and quickly process only quantitative data.

(D) Computer is a machine that can store, retrieve and process quickly and accurately only qualitative information




 Q111.  Information and Communication Technology includes:

(A) On line learning

(B) Learning through the use of EDUSAT

(C) Web Based Learning

(D) All the above

Q112.  Which of the following is the appropriate format of URL of e-mail?

(A) www_mail.com

(B) www@mail.com

(C) WWW@mail.com

(D) www.mail.com

On the keyboard of computer each character has an “ASCII” value which stands for :
(A)    American Stock Code for Information Interchange
(B)    American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(C)    African Standard Code for Information Interchange
(D)    Adaptable Standard Code for Information Change


   Which part of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) performs calculation and makes decisions :
(A)    Arithematic Logic Unit    (B)    Alternating Logic Unit
(C)    Alternate Local Unit    (D)    American Logic Unit

  “Dpi” stands for :
(A)    Dots per inch    (B)    Digits per unit
(C)    Dots pixel inch    (D)    Diagrams per inch

The process of laying out a document with text, graphics, headlines and photographs is involved in
(A)    Deck Top Publishing    (B)    Desk Top Printing
(C)    Desk Top Publishing    (D)    Deck Top Printing

Transfer of data from one application to another line is known as :
(A)    Dynamic Disk Exchange                (B)    Dodgy Data Exchange
(C)    Dogmatic Data Exchange              (D)    Dynamic Data Exchange

Networking of libraries through electronic media is known as :
(A)    Inflibnet    (B)     Libinfnet
(C)    Internet    (D)    HTML

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