Why English language is difficult to learn for other language speakers/non-native speakers?

Why English language is difficult to learn for other language speakers/non-native speakers?

Let me give you answer.

            The most frequently asked question is that why English is difficult to learn for non-natives speakers?
Look at some issues.
English Language -  Learn a bit

Why English language is difficult to learn for other language speakers/non-native speakers?

            You just think about how you have learnt your mother tongue. Ask yourself are you learning English language in the same way you learnt your mother tongue? ask yourself your answer will be no. So how can you be fluent in English as much as you are fluent in your mother tongue?  So you first think about the psychology of learning mother tongue. When a baby is born she is starts listening to words for almost six months to one year. Continuous listening... she doesn't speak even a single word so after 6 months of continuous listening she starts copying the words. The initial copying of words will be wrong, will be incomprehensible, will be difficult to understand and will be incorrect but she is trying there are many people to help her.

            Everybody around her speaking the language which she is going to learn. Now she starts copying the words after one or two years she has learnt a lot of words but after 5 years she has a  full house of vocabulary or a storage of many words so she can fluently speak.
            What happens with English???
            We do not have that listening experience because the people around us do not speak English language. They speak mother tongue so we don't have that listening experience that we have in mother tongue so we don't develop the vocabulary we need to speak fluently.
            Second thing is that when you are copying the words which you have listened from your teachers there is nobody to correct the mispronunciation by you in the case of mother tongue there are many people around you were helping you to correct your pronunciation, to correct your sentence structure, to correct your appropriate use of words in the context. So there is only one man that is teacher who is helping you and he is helping you for only one and half hour or only half hour so you are giving 23 hour for mother tongue learning and you are giving only one or two hour to English language learning. How can you be fluent in English as much as you are in mother tongue?

            Third thing is that basic knowledge of English grammar and structure is very poor. Some of teachers commit mistakes in pronunciation as well as in grammatical structures so what happens from our childhood we learn English in correctly. It is obvious that nobody around us will correct English mistakes because they themselves don't know correct English. Basic knowledge of English grammar structure is weak.  Eventually our sentences will be incorrect.
            Last thing is that we do not have enough opportunity to speak the language. We do not have enough opportunity to listen and  the second biggest issue is we do not have enough opportunity to speak the language. How can you learn a language without speaking,  without practice?  Language is basically speech so what happens in your school for in your school education you have spoken English for half an hour one hour then the rest 23 hour, you are speaking your mother-tongue. You do not have enough practice of English speaking so you will never ever be fluent in English speaking because you have never done any practice in speaking.
            This is the basic reason why learning English is difficult for us English. It is as easy as our mother tongue but we do not follow the correct approach to English language as we follow to mother tongue.  That's it !!!!