Skill of Black board work : Meaning and Components


You are aware of the black board as a visual teaching aid and its significance in the teaching-learning process. 

    Components of Skill
1.                   Legibility of Handwriting 
2.                   Neatness of Black Board Work
3.                   Appropriateness of Black Board Work
Legibility of Handwriting :  How will you increase the legibility of  your handwriting on the black board ?
You are right if you suggest the following points :
1.                   Each letter should be distinct :  There should be no confusion in the shape of the letters such as
1.                   c, e,  l , t.
2.                   Adequate spacing between two letters and two words.
3.                   The slantness of each letter should be nearly vertical.
4.                   Size of the letters should be such that they are legible from the end of the class.
5.                   The size of small letters should be same and size of the capital letters should also be same.
6.                   The size of the capital letters should be slightly greater than that of the small letters.
7.                   Thickness of the lines should be of same width.
Neatness in Black Board Works :  You can make your Black Board neat and clean if you follow the following points :
(1)        Straightness of lines :  The neatness of the black board increases if you write in straight lines parallel to the base of the black board.
(2)        Adequate Spacing between the Lines : 
(i )        The words/sentences should be written in straight lines parallel to the base of the black board.
(ii)        There should be adequate spacing between the lines.
(3)        Avoidance of Overwriting :  In order to keep the black board work neat and clean there should be no over writing.
(4)        Focusing the Relevant Matter :  In order to keep the black board neat and clean :
i.                     Erase the unrelated and irrelevant work and work not required.
ii.                    Retain the relevant matter.
(5)        Appropriateness of Black Board Work :  The appropriateness of black board work includes the following points :
i.                     Continuity in points :  The points of the lesson should be logically arranged one after the other in a sequence.
ii.                    Brevity and simplicity :  Write only the salient points in a simple and clear language.
iii.                  Drawing attention and Focusing :  Underline the important points or use coloured chalk for drawing the pupils’ attention.
iv.                  Illustrations and Diagrams :  Illustrations and diagrams should be simple, large and clear to convey the idea easily and conveniently. As this skill needs long practice to achieve the goal and so no micro-lesson plan is given.