Aims and Objectives of teaching English at schools

§  Dr. B. S. Bloom says '' Educational objectives are the desired goal or outcome at which instruction is aimed.''
§  Difference between aims and objectives
Aims (General Objectives)
Objectives (Specific Objectives)
Long term
Short term
General nature
Specific nature
At educational planning level
At teaching planning level
Difficult to measure
Easy to measure
Long term value
immediate value
No time limit to achieve
Time limit to achieve
§  Characteristics of good objectives
o   Framed keeping in mind general aims
o   Targeting modification of students' behaviour
o   Bases on psychological principles
o   According to the content of teaching
o   Fulfilling the need and interest of the students
o   According the age and mental level of the students
§  Four basic language skills: LSRW
o   L: listening
o   S:speaking
o   R:reading
o   W:writing
§  Major aims of teaching English
1)    To speak correct English-phonetic aspect
2)    To understand spoken English-Semantic aspect
3)    To understand written English-phonetic cum graphic aspect
4)    To write correct English -graphic aspect
§  Command over language
1)    Passive command: reading and understanding
2)    Active command: speaking and writing
§  Major Objectives and their specific objectives of teaching English
§  Major Objective
1.    To enable pupils to comprehend spoken English .
Specific objective:
To enable students to…
1.1         Recognize sounds of English.
1.2         Differentiate sounds of English words and the sounds of one's language i.e. mother tongue.
1.3         Associate meanings to sounds of English.
1.4         Associate ideas with pictures, charts, objects according to the oral presentation
1.5         Follow the meaning of words and phrases in their context.
1.6         Guess the meaning of words and phrases in their context.
1.7         Follow the meaning of structures
1.8         Follow the typical usage of the spoken form of the language
1.9         Carry out oral instructions
1.10      Ascribe statements to their speakers
1.11      Point out missing points in oral expression
1.12      Understand the purpose of the speaker by noting the stress and intonation

§  Major Objective
2.    To enable pupils to express themselves in spoken English .
Specific objective:
To enable students to…
2.1     reproduce the sounds of English letters and words correctly i.e. pronounce words correctly
2.2     speak sentences with proper pauses and stresses.
2.3     speak sentences with proper intonation pattern.
2.4     speak sentences with reasonable speed.
2.5     use appropriate words and sentence patterns.
2.6     answer the questions.
2.7     speak without reversions.
2.8     speak without making unnecessary sounds.
2.9     put ideas in proper sequence.
2.10    speak with proper loudness of the voice.
2.11    speak with confidence.
§  Major Objective
3.    To enable pupils to comprehend written English .
Specific objective:
3.1     recognize words of English
3.2     Follow the meaning of words and phrases in their context.
3.3     Guess the meaning of words and phrases in their context.
3.4     Follow the meaning of structures.
3.5     recognize different shades of words and meaning of words.
3.6     note and keep in view the punctuation marks while reading.
3.7     Associate ideas with pictures, charts, objects with reading material.
3.8     find out answers of the question based on reading.  
3.9     locate key words, phrases and sentences.
3.10    locate the sequence of ideas and facts.
3.11    develop dictionary use habit.
3.12    read with clear expression.
3.13    read with correct pronunciation.
3.14    read with ease and appropriate speed.

§  Major Objective
4.    To enable pupils to express themselves in written English.
Specific objective:
4.1     write the letters in correct English.
4.2     shape the letters correctly.
4.3     write words with proper spacing between words.
4.4     write letters of words by maintaining uniformity of size.
4.5     use capital letters correctly.
4.6     write legibly.
4.7     use appropriate words, phrases and sentence patterns .
4.8     use punctuation marks correctly.
4.9     spell words correctly.
4.10    use different types of sentences in writing.
4.11    organize ideas in writing.
4.12    read with clear expression.
4.13    write answers keeping in mind the format of the question.
4.14    write different types of compositions.
§  Classification Of objectives according To Dr. B. S. Bloom

Cognitive Domain
Affective domain
Psychomotor domain

§  Objectives of teaching English in Gujarat at school level

1.    To get our students into the main stream.
2.    To make their road easier towards higher education. They will be motivated for higher studies and research if they know English language.
3.    To prepare competitive students. Students should have language competency, pronunciation competency and composition competency.
4.    To develop the sub-skills of the students. This means listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and the sub-skills of these basic skills.
5.    To enable them to take part in various competitive examinations.
6.    To make them able to face interviews conducted in English medium for various jobs.
7.    To make them understand English talking.
8.    To widen the scope of their knowledge as authentic books are available in English language. They should be aware of the richness of the literature in English.
9.    To make the students receptive.
10. To make them aware of the international events and trends.
11. To make them know discipline and manners of English.
12. To enable students to understand conversation in English and a talk delivered in simple English on the topic within his/her experience.
13. To enable a student to read aloud with correct expression, understanding, proper intonation, pauses and correction pronunciation.
14. To inculcate the habit of listening English